Product news

Universal Payment and Loyalty System PayLo

PayLo loyalty programme is a universal packet of loyalty and payment programmes designed on the basis of longstanding cooperation with different profile clients:

  • retail shopping chains of grocery and manufactured foods;
  • gas stations chains;
  • shopping centres;
  • financial institutions.

It is aimed at attracting new and preserving the old clients by applying different marketing loyalty schemes and other incentive methods

“It is impossible to buy consumers loyalty, but it can be earned using the efficient payment and loyalty programs. The analysis of consumer habits and consumer behavior, and loyalty management itself is unimaginable today without intervention of the latest IT technologies”, said Laimonas Lileika, PayLo Product Manager.

According to the ASHBURN representative, PayLo is a platform that enables these services to be provided to an unlimited number of merchants. According to the different needs of business sectors, PayLo functionality can be individually customized to each merchant. The sets of PayLo payment and loyalty scenarios are adapted for the sectors of retail, hospitality and entertainment, transportation, finance and telecommunications.

The PayLo solution stands out in its outsourcing-based provision, and thus there is no need for a customer to support the complex IT infrastructure and system supervisory staff.

More information regarding PayLo solution see or contact sales@bs2.llt

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